The milk foam revolution.
SCA Best New Product (Milan)
SCA Best New Product (Dubai)
SCA Best New Product (Portland)
Latte Art Factory is the milk frothing solution your coffee business has been waiting for.
Reduce milk wastage, expand your menu, and speed up your workflows.
With patented technology, the Latte Art Factory outperforms competitors while remaining easy to use.
Find out for yourself why the LAF Bar was chosen as the Best New Product three times!
LAF Classic
The essential milk-foam solution for shops with minimal under-counter space. This countertop model includes the modem and built-in refrigerator all in one unit.
LAF Bar Pro
Designed for cafés with limited countertop space, the new LAF Bar is guaranteed to impress. The modem and refrigerator get tucked away under the counter.
HJC Co. Ltd. © 2023
HJCoffee Company
HJ Coffee, the office coffee service and machine supplier to F500 companies in China. Based in Shanghai. Office Coffee Services, Training, and Equipment. 中国咖啡机和服务提供商 HJCoffee